to KGR

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Over the past 21 years, continuous research has focused on enhancing women's well-being through proper training
Holistic and Segmental "Body Function Optimization" Training
The human body is comprised of over 400 joints, 600 muscles, 200 bones, alongside interconnected nervous, circulatory, and endocrine systems, all maintained by metabolic "pipelines" and "pathways" nestled within the myofascial networks. These "pipelines" and "pathways" are intricately linked to organ functions and physical movements. Poor usage habits and excessive exertion can accelerate the body's aging process, significantly reducing overall health and lifespan. The KGR training method advocates lifelong, continuous "restructuring" and "optimizing" of body functions. Through holistic analysis and precision training, it seeks harmony between the physical and mental planes, striving to maximize overall well-being, and promote "functional optimization training" as a vital component of alternative medicine.
Addressing Real-World Issues
KGR's training programs are designed to tackle real-world issues, including fat reduction and body sculpting, posture correction, pain management, improvements for some diseases, and even neurological dysfunctions. KGR offers effective, comprehensive solutions to these challenges.
Personalized Training Plans
KGR combines comprehensive assessments that take into account factors like the nervous system, fascial tension, organ health, historical scars, lifestyle, and social relationships to provide custom-tailored health restoration plans addressing individual needs.
Cross-Disciplinary Research and Practice
KGR’s unique training philosophy integrates a diverse range of alternative medicinal practices, including neural function restoration, fascial tension adjustment, visceral techniques and intra-abdominal pressure reconstruction, traditional Chinese acupuncture and massage, American hypnotherapy, sound therapy with singing bowls, aromatherapy, and more. Its cross-disciplinary approach aims to comprehensively address complex health issues, supporting traditional medicine and advocating for a "prevention over cure" mindset.
Cross-Disciplinary Research and Practice
KGR embodies a global outlook toward alternative medicine practices across various countries. Through continuous active learning and practice, it equips trainees and coaches with insights into the developments of alternative medicine within diverse cultural contexts worldwide.
Advocacy of Lifelong Learning and Training
KGR encourages all its members to commit to lifelong learning, continuous education, and unceasing physical and mental training to adapt to the ever-changing world. With a healthy, vibrant body, one can embrace an ever-expanding knowledge system.
Cross-Disciplinary Research and Practice
KGR champions the empowerment of all its participants to exert personal influence, encouraging women to transcend definitions imposed by others. By focusing more on personal well-being, actively pursuing dreams, and continually fortifying inner strength, women can influence and inspire their communities and families, collectively contributing to social and global progress and harmony.
Kuai Gaorui

Mor than Two decades devoted to research on women's training
Lifelong Learner:
Italian fascial therapy
American hypnotherapy
surgical neuroanatomy
German visceral manipulation
Traditional Chinese acupuncture and massage
Cancer Exercise Training Institute Cancer Exercise Specialist
Bio-Mechanics Method Corrective Exercise Specialist
Institute of Functional Aging
unctional Aging Specialist
American Council on Exercise Certified Personal Trainer
Functional Aging Institute Functional Aging Specialist
PESI Neuro Specialist certification
China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences Acupuncture techniques